The Ephemeral Blue Flax - ECLoc651
I am continually amazed at the beautiful, delicate Blue Flax that somehow took hold in my garden. They are awash in color every morning, yet not a single flower remains by this afternoon. They are the very definition of ephemeral.
EC recommends using lower case letters and dashes instead of underscore at all times. One should not use spaces between words in the file and folder names. Search engines are more effective when dashes are used instead of underscores.
Explanation of web page format
http and https as seen above are the most common schemes.
ftp and mailto are other common schemes.
A scheme is generally followed by a colon and two forward slashes; mailto is an exception in that it takes only a colon. Always type schemes in lowercase letters.
The relative URL for a file that is in the same directory as the current page (that is, the one containing the URL in question) is simply the file name and extension . For example, the HTML for the link would be <a href = "history.html">Take me to history.html!.
To reference a file in a directory at a higher level of the file hierarchy, use two periods and a forward slash . For example, <a href ="../products.html">our products</a>. Each ../ means “go up one directory level from the current file,” so ../../ would go up two levels and ../../../ would go up three. See example below (from ECLoc987).
A very good example is given below:
A good example for absolute and relative URL's is given on ECLoc1017, as shown below:
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